Hey Skidaway Farmers! Come join us on Sunday, 9/25/22 at 1:00 pm under the Pavilion. Farmer Jane will be conducting a fall planting tips class. This will also be a time to have your questions answered about fall vegetables, soil conditioners, ferilizers and pests. Hope to see you there!
News & Events
Skidaway Audubon is hosting a plant sale at the Farm this Saturday and Sunday, April 9-10 from 10 – 2 pm. These are all pollinator plants from their spring plant sale to the community that haven’t been sold yet. Priceless! Come on down and buy a few and attract butterflies to your yards. Cash, credit, or checks accepted! For more information visit the Skidaway Audubon website at https://skidawayaudubon.org/native-plant-sale-2022. For best selection, you may also place on order online from April 1-7 for pickup on Friday, April 8 through the following link: https://form.jotform.com/220456847298165. For questions, please contact Dawn Cordo at cordodawn@gmail.com.
**Update** The date for the bee event has been changed to Wednesday, 3/30 from 4 – 5 pm. Thu Mar 24th 4:00pm – 5:00pm Skidaway Farms, 194 McWhorter Dr., Savannah, GA Register at Skidaway Audubon skidawayaudubon.org This Skidaway Audubon event will be hosted by the Farm and will feature speaker Tierney Monahan, author of Beyond Honey and daughter of Mike and Lucy Monahan. Ms. Monahan will describe the economic and environmental impact of honeybees and will give a live beekeeping demonstration. “According to the United Nations, nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plants species and 75% of the […]
Whether you’re already a committed Plant Based / Vegan or curious about it, you’re invited to this inaugural gathering launching a Whole Food Plant Based Club here on the island as Plant Based Productions Presents: Plant Strong of Skidaway Island The purpose of this group is to bring our community of eaters together on various levels. If you’re interested learning about the health benefits and the power of plants, in sharing meals, learning more about how to prepare or transition to this way of eating or converting some of your favorite recipes, sharing a garden plot at Skidaway […]
Visit the Skidaway Audubon website now through April 12 to order your native plants for this year’s ‘Nature Notices’ themed plant sale! All plants are in one gallon containers and are very reasonably priced at $8.00 each. Plant pickup is Saturday, April 17 at Skidaway Island United Methodist Church. Let’s all do our part to encourage and protect our pollinators across the island! https://skidawayaudubon.org/native-plant-sale
As most of you know, we are going to be blessed with two new honey bee hives this spring, tended by our resident beekeeper, Landings resident Joann Lyon. Bees are crucial to the pollination of our plants, and the last hives that Joann set up never made it. We are not totally sure what the problem was, but one suspected cause may have been chemicals that farmers were using. Please be cautious in what you use in your garden and farm as organically as possible. Should you choose to apply pesticides on your plants, please use before sunrise or after […]
Spring Planting Tips from Farmer Jane New Skidaway farmers gather on a chilly February Sunday to hear a talk on spring planting tips by Farmer Jane Kollman. We have a record number of new farmers eager to begin planting when spring finally arrives!
Saturday, July 18 7:30 – 10:00am It’s that time of year when we clear our summer gardens in preparation for our kindler, gentler fall garden season. All farmers are invited to the farm tomorrow for a work party to clean up individual plots, pathways, and along the edges of unrented neighboring plots. Let’s all do our part to make the farm a beautiful, enjoyable place for everyone. Bottled water will be provided!
Dear Farmers, The board of directors wants to share some good news with all of our amazing farmers. Skidaway Farms has experienced its best year in a long time! We’ve been able to balance our budget, attract many new farmers, maintain and elect a hard working board and benefit from a generous donation year. We are grateful to all of you for pulling together to support last years’ first fee increase since the farms’ beginning and spreading the word to your neighbors and friends about this special place. We recieved $1350 in donations this spring: $600 from Landlovers, $250 from […]
Keeping six feet apart, 18 farmers were at the farm pavilion to hear Farmer Jane’s tips on how to care for your plants, what are good plants for a spring garden in Georgia, bug control, fertilization methods etc.
Thanks to all of the farmer volunteers who helped with our annual pine straw delivery on Monday, especially Farmer Jane, who coordinated the event, and Farmer Louis, who made multiple trips to our pine straw vendor with his pickup to transport all 150 bales to farm! Our pathways are now refreshed and ready for a productive fall garden season!
Register Now: http://www.skidawayfarms.net/members/civicrm/event/register?id=17&reset=1 A delightful Dinner In The Garden – no need to login – just click the “Register Now” button The 2019 Skidaway Farms Spring Festival Come join us for an evening of great food and fun and show your support for Skidaway Farms Dinner in the garden at Skidaway Farms Wednesday, May 1, 4:30 – 7:30 The menu will be designed and managed by our two favorite Farmer/Chefs, Tom Rosen and Joe Tyson and the Skidaway Island Men’s Gourmet Group Bring Your Own Beverages (water will be provided) Seating is limited to 125, so get your tickets now. To purchase, just click […]
Come on down to the farm tomorrow morning, September 22, 2018 at 11:00am with your weeder, gloves and some water. We are going to spruce up the farm for the fall season and would love your participation!!!
Time to clear debris and amend the soil for spring planting. Last frost date is March 15th! What to plant: SEEDS: carrots, beets, arugula, lettuce, squash, cukes. PLANTS: onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and when it’s warmer: basil and okra. KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR PESTS THAT ARE SURE TO ARRIVE.
SAVE THE DATE Best Food, Festivities and Friends will gather once again on Sunday, May 6th for the annual Skidaway Island Spring Festival! Make sure to put it on your calendar! More info will follow!
The Landings has been designated as the first Audubon International Certified Sustainable Community in the State of Georgia! Our farmers and farm helped make this happen! Let’s celebrate!