Skidaway Farm Rules
Skidaway Farms’ ability to thrive depends on the active, ongoing involvement of our members.
“Out of gardens grow fleeting flowers but lasting friendships.”
– Beverly Rose Hopper
- Each New Farmer is required to pay a $100 (refundable) weed deposit fee which would be used to clean-up a plot if it was left in disarray. Standard plots (approximately 10’ X 20’) are rented for 1 year for $150/plot. Raised beds will be leased for $200/year.
- Farmers of Record are required to agree to the Rules each year at the time their annual rent is due and to abide by all rules and regulations listed here. Receipt of rent indicates you will accept and abide by these rules.
- A single plot may be shared by as many Farmers as desired, however, one individual must be designated as the “Farmer of Record”, agree to and abide by the Rules and be responsible for assuring all the gardeners in said plot abide by these rules. Other Farmers will be designated as “Plot Partners”.
- Farmers of Record may keep their same plot in subsequent years if desired. At the time of registration, Farmers of Record who wish to change plots will have first choice from available plots. Those who wish a second plot will have second choice from available plots. New Farmers of Record will be assigned from remaining available plots.
- Plot rental is on an annual 12-month basis only. Each Farmer may register for a plot at any time during the year. The renewal date for that plot will begin 11 months later. For example, a plot rented on April 15th will be up for renewal on March 15th.
- All farmers of record are required to contribute two hours of volunteer time per 6 month period to the general upkeep of the farm.
Make your check payable to Skidaway Farms – Drop off at the Mailbox at the Farm.
- The Farm gates are open 24 hours, seven days a week.
- Farm gates should be closed and latched at all times during the day. It is the responsibility of the Farmers to keep deer and hogs out of our vegetables and flowers.
- Farmers may plant only annuals and perennials. Trees and shrubs are not permitted in individual plots.
- Plot neighbors should decide how to mark the borders between plots. Small fences, stepping stones, etc are all permitted so long as it does not encroach nor shade neighboring plots.
- Be considerate of your Farm neighbors. Do not plant sprawling or tall crops or build any structure that might interfere with your neighbor’s plot. Do not spray on windy days. Keep insects, disease and weeds under control.
- Harvest only from your assigned plot. Treat plot perimeters with the same respect you accord your home property lines: encroaching growth from your neighbor’s plot comes under your control and may be either pruned or harvested by you after you have discussed your intentions with your neighbor.
- Dogs, on a leash, are allowed. Farmers should report nuisance dogs to a Board member. Dogs with two (2) complaints will lose their privilege to be in the Farm. Owners must control and clean up after their pets and failure to do this will be sufficient cause to withdraw this privilege. Nuisance behavior, such as dogs wandering off the designated paths and peeing on plants, is not allowed in the Farm.
- Borrowed tools should be washed and cleaned and returned to the tool shed when done. This prevents the spread of disease and nematodes via soil cross-contamination. No chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers may be stored in the tool shed. These tools are not to be taken home overnight.
- Smoking and chewing tobacco is prohibited. Tobacco carries the mosaic virus, which is deadly to some plants
- Paths must be kept free of rocks, weeds, and all obstacles, including encroaching or overhanging plants. Skidaway Farms reserves the right to remove materials obstructing any public path at any time. Farmers shall remove and dispose of all trash and debris generated by their activities.
- Parent/caretakers must ensure that children understand and follow all rules and regulations.
- Trash and debris must not be left outside the dumpster. If the dumpster is full, trash should be left in wheelbarrows next to the dumpster. Dumpster lids should be closed.
- Raised bed farmers will be responsible for maintenance, protection and repair of their irrigation controller and water distribution systems. These need special protection in winter during freeze warnings.
- The farm directors may designate available farm plots to be used for educational and/or aesthetic purposes.
1. The Farm will be surveyed regularly at which time the following plots will be considered abandoned:
- If the weeds/grass are 12 inches high, or
- The weeds/grass are excessively encroaching on walkways and neighboring plots, or
- The weeds/grass are going to seed.
2. The Farmer of Record will be notified as to the condition and asked to rectify the situation.
3. If there is no response, the plot becomes available for rent and the $75 weed deposit used to ready the plot for rental.
4. If the Farmer would like to resume gardening at a later date, he/she will pay the full rental price for the next available plot, plus a $75 weed deposit in advance.
- Farmers who choose to garden in the organic section, must garden 100% organically without the use of synthetic herbicides, fungicides, pesticides and fertilizers. Also, natural or organic applications that are toxic and harmful to beneficial insects and microorganisms are not permitted for use.
- If, at any time, a Farmer decides to change from organic gardening to conventional gardening, the Farmer will be required to move from the organic section to the conventional section. If no conventional plots are available, the Farmer will not be eligible for any reimbursement for that year.
- A lack of available plots in the conventional section will at no time warrant using conventional gardening practices in the organic section.