Rick Cunningham
The 2018 Skidaway Farms Spring Festival Come join us for an evening of great food and fun and show your support for Skidaway Farms Dinner in the garden at Skidaway Farms Sunday May 6th, 5:00-8pm. The menu will be designed and managed by our two favorite Farmer/Chefs, Tom Rosen and Joe Tyson Bring Your Own Beverages (water will be provided) Seating is limited to 125, so get your tickets now. To purchase, just click the “Register Now” button (top right or bottom left). The price of your tickets will be a tax deductible contribution to support farm educational projects. We will […]
Minutes – Skidaway Farms, Inc. Board Meeting Wednesday June 15, 5:00 pm Skidaway Audubon Pavilion Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollman, Cathy Adler, Ralph Hinz, Monica Hughes, Bob Rogers Absent: Joe Tyson Other Attendees: Rick Cunningham 1. Meeting minutes of 5-21-2016 approved, motion by JK, second by CA, unanimously approved. 2. Budget presented by Cathy Adler, discussed, approved unanimously, budget will be posted on website. 3. Finance report per Bob Rogers: a) YTD $12,350 in plot rental income, $ 1,600 to be collected for remainder of year. b) $17,143 in checking account, $11,257 in asset replacement account 4. Website update: Monica Hughes currently […]
Minutes – Skidaway Farms, Inc. Board Meeting Saturday May 21, 4:00 Skidaway Audubon Pavilion Board Members: Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollman Absent: Ralph Hinz Other Attendees: Bob Rogers, Monica Hughes (new board members) Treasurer Bob Rogers reported financial status: Checking account : $17,711.40 Last year’s expenses $17,776 – Business expenditures $3717, Farm maintenance $8230, Gardening expenses (children’s garden, farm beautification, etc.) $1795, Utilities (dumpster, electricity, port-de-let) $4034 Asset replacement account: $11,257.74 The online election for the four new members of the Board of Directors is complete. Terms for new board members Cathy Adler, Joe Tyson, Monica Hughes, and Bob Rogers commence as of May 21, 2016. They […]
Minutes – Skidaway Farms, Inc. Board Meeting April 16, 2016 5:00 Skidaway Audubon Pavilion Board Members: Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollman Absent: Ralph Hinz Other Attendees: Bob Rogers, Cathy Adler, Joe Tyson, Monica Hughes, Rick Cunningham Discussion Farmer Survey preliminary results a: Monica to summarize/categorize farmer requests/ suggestions from survey b: Jane to reach out to TLA re farm entrance road repair Festival April 24 – planning continued, work groups assigned Website Update a: copy of Skidaway Farm Inc. Articles to be posted on website b: Rick to set up election online for new board members c: Rules committee formed – […]
Skidaway Farms was developed with the help of a large number of individuals and organizations, on land leased from The Landings Club, under the direction and as a committee of Skidaway Audubon. Now complete, the Farm has become it’s own organization. Skidaway Farms, Inc., a GA non profit, was incorporated on August 14, 2015 Skidaway Farms Inc. Certificate of Incorporation
How about those new paths? Jane Kollman and Kevin Smith pitched in to help Ralph Hinz deal with distributing, smoothing, and tamping down another load of gravel to keep things neat at the farm. But they couldn’t have done it without the generous assistance of TLA Public Works and Sean Burgess who arranged to lend us their small front-loader along their expert operator Construction Specialist Jascend Helvey.
It’s been fun while it lasted, but the weather’s finally getting down to being WINTER! Tonight the temperature out at the farm is predicted to fall well below freezing, with a low of 26 degrees at about 7:00 am Tuesday expected. If you have a drip system, you need to remove your timer and open up your filter to dump the water so there’s no freeze damage. Be sure to disconnect any hoses or other watering equipment that might be harmed by a freeze. Ralph Hinz will turn off the irrigation system and the pump, and will partially drain the […]
Reid Archer of Victory Gardens is once again offering compost and seedling sets, but you have to hurry to get your order in before January 31! Here’s his email to Jane: I wanted to reach out to you to organize the plan for this year’s soil drop off and seedling sales. This year, we’re offering bulk prices for pre-orders on seedlings and potato seeds. You’ll also find a section for fertilizer and soil mix on the pre-order form. People can download the form, fill it out, and send them along with a check to: Victory Gardens 2408 E. 40th St. […]
On Wednesday 10/21, Jane Kollman and Carol Stiles hosted a field trip for students from St. Andrews School. Through a variety of activities, Jane, Carol, and their helpers gave the students a great introduction to gardening and farming, and a great time was had by all!
The Farm hosted a tour of New Neighbors of The Landings on October 14. Twenty-two people heard a talk about honey bees by Barbara “Dr. RaRa” Philips and then toured the farm with Jane Kollmann and Mike Welsh. The weather was wonderful and everyone had a good time learning about bees and honey and about the features of the Farm.
Dr. RaRa Comes To Teach Us About Her Bees There were potatoes and onions to plant! The “seasoned ” farmers helped our new farmers We had broccoli to plant and a scarecrow to build! We had to get our “Scare Lady” to her place of honor!
Jane Kollman, Paul Pittsford and Carol Stiles kicked off the 2015 Fall Children’s Garden program at the farm on Saturday Farmer Kevin provided the great backdrop for this pic
Reid Archer, our friend from Victory Gardens in Savannah, writes to tell us they are having their last sale of fall sets: “I just wanted to let you know that we are having our last plant sale of the Fall this weekend. Saturday from 9-1 at our greenhouse. The address is 2500 Tennessee Ave. 31404 Savannah. Can you help spread the word? Thank you!” Also, don’t forget that Jane Kollman and Joe Tyson will be giving a talk at 1:30 this Sunday the 27th on getting your Fall garden started in style. Fall’s the best season at our farm – […]
Farmers, the new Board of Representatives met with the Transitional Committee on January 30. Minutes of that meeting – and all future meetings- can be accessed on this website under the tab “Documents”. BOR members: Section A – Cathy Adler catherinesadler.ca@gmail.com 272-7888 Section B – Carl Luecke cluecke@comcast.net 349-0340 Section C – Joe DiCicco jdd8193@yahoo.com 598-8962 Section D – Mike Welsh welsh@umich.edu 660-9469 Section E – Jay Spencer w43spencer@yahoo.com 598-9586 Section F – Bill Holden eilbillh@bellsouth.net 598-8338 Section G – Susan Johnson sdressjohnson@comcast.net 598-2879 Section H – Bettina Huffman 2woofs@comcast.net 335-2099 Section R – Jane Kollmann gardenher52@aol.com 349-1395 Skidaway Audubon Liaison […]
Jane’s off at her Daughter’s Wedding, but Farmer Carol and Farmer Paul carry the day. The kids are getting pretty strong just lifting those veggies!