About The Farm

Skidaway Farms

The Farm sits on two acres inside a double-fence constructed especially to keep the deer out.   The fence and raised beds were built by Duke’s Home Improvement of Savannah … these are the folks who also built the newly re-constructed tower at Delegal Marina in The Landings.

An electric fence runs along the top of the outside wood fence and is powered at night to provide protection from raccoons who enjoy ripe tomatoes and melons.  This device is powered by an Energizer that produces 9 kilovolts of electricity pulsed along the wires once every second.

The Farm has 200 ground level plots and 20 Raised beds.


Given the soil that is Skidaway Island, the crew had to dig THREE wells to hit water!  McClain’s Shallow Wells installed the well.  The well is approximately 60 feet deep and currently runs at 25-30 gallons/minute with a 1.5 horsepower pump.


Farm Construction Required:

  • 320 fence posts
  • 11,000 board feet of lumber
  • 360 bags of concrete
  • 2400 feet of electric wire
  • 183 fiberglass support rods
  • 732 stainless steel wire clips
  • 600 tons of rock
  • 500 cubic yards of topsoil
  • 50 cubic yards of manure
  • 4000 feet of irrigation pipe
  • 200 cubic yards of peat/ wood chips
  • 32 irrigations heads
  • 48 hose bibs
  • 2000 feet of irrigation wire
  • 3000 feet of 1 x 4 lumber for edging rock

More than 30 future Farmers volunteered more than 200 hours spreading gravel, clearing debris and tilling topsoil to help construct the farm.


The property where Skidaway Farm is situated is owned by The Landings Club and leased to Skidaway Audubon for $1.00/year.