Board Minutes 10.16.24
Present: Corbin, Hermberg, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson
Absent: Arkin
Approval of September Minutes
Treasurer’s Report: due to Steve’s absence we only reviewed the current profit and loss statement.
Annual billing will go out in January. Jane will request an updated balance sheet from
Steve for next Board Meeting.
Plot Assessment; currently there are eleven in-ground plots available and eleven farmers on the list for plots.
there are two raised beds available and many on the list. Discussion ensued re the pros
and cons of building more raised beds. Board decided not to move forward at this time.
Work Party: scheduled for this Saturday, October 19th. There are plots to be covered, weeds to be
pulled, wildflower plants to be cut back etc.
Farm Use: the Farm is scheduled to be used for a luncheon on November 9th and an event on December
16th. Donations accepted and welcome.
Tee Shirts: Jill obtained some tee shirt sample from a company but she thought and others agreed that they were too sheer.
She will find a less sheer one and order sixty to begin with the logo she created.
New Business: wheelbarrows are rusting and require costly repairs. We will try to purchase only plastic wheelbarrow when replacing worn out ones.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 20th at 4:00 pm.