Present: Corbin, Hermberg, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson
Absent: Arkin, Hughes, Kahn
June minutes were approved
Treasurer’s report:
Currently there are five Farmers who have not paid for their plots
Jane to review the list for errors and or changes. Shelby, our bookkeeper has left.
Corrine is our new bookkeeper.
Work Party: scheduled for this Saturday beginning at 7:30 am
Plots: Currently 9 vacancies for in ground plots Jane to advise on vacancies for raised beds 8 in group plots need to have the wood replaced Jane to get cost of labor & materials
Tee shirt Project:
Jill is leading the t shirt project and will have sample shirt and costs at September meeting. Proposed front will have a square of assorted vegetable and back will have Skidaway Farms. September meeting will be discussion and decision about selling the tee shirts.
Pine Straw: Board approved Jane’s request of $800 for pine straw expense.
New Business
Dorcas discussed the need to add a 2nd dumpster in the back part of the farm
for June & July (end of spring season clean-up).
Dorcas will contact Atlantic Waste to obtain cost.
Board discussed developing a rule for farmers that do not respond to repeated notices to clean up beds that have excessive weeds. Board agreed that three warnings with no response, farmer loses their plot. Dorcas will develop a proposed rule that Board will vote on for September meeting. Currently there are no consequences.
There will be no Board Meeting in August
Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, September 25 at 4pm.