Skidaway Farms Board Minutes
Present: Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample, Tyson
Absent: Arkin, Corbin
February Minutes Approved
Treasurers Report: Steve Arkin was absent due to death in his family. There was no treasurer’s
SBA loan in Skidaway Farm’s name is being investigated.
Farm Plots: there are only two plots left to rent and Jane has two prospective farmers on her
list. 23 plots have been leased since January 1st.
3 plots are currently not leased due to drainage problems. These plots will be remediated with
composting, coffee grounds, cardboard and will sit for a season in hopes this will solve the
drainage problems and be rented in the fall.
Tee shirts: Jill Corbin e-mailed a few designs for the Skidaway Farm’s possible tee shirt logo.
They were designed by Richard Ross, a graphic designer and father of Carol White, one of our
farmers. We discussed these and will get back with some requests to make it simpler.
New Business: Jane proposed a vote on expenditure for the installation of our customary
spring pine straw. Our fall cost was approximately $800. The board approved unanimously this
Board Elections: A ballot needs to be created and mailed to farmers for our annual elections
in early April. The ballot will list Steve Arkin, Jane Kollman, Steve Sample and Joe Tyson whose
terms are expiring. There will also be a write in opportunity.
Annual Meeting: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 5 pm