Board Minutes 1.10.24


Present: Arkin, Corbin, Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp,

Absent: Sample, Tyson
December meeting minutes approved.
Treasurers Report:
 Steve attended meeting remotely on Zoom. Profit and Loss Statement was e-mailed to participants beforehand and reviewed.
 Mike stated the P and L categories for farm expenses needed to be clearer and reflect different categories more effectively.
  Board will draft updated categories to present to Steve.
Steve said about 50% of Farmers had paid for their rentals at this time.  There appears to be some confusion in using the new system among farmers. Draft will go out providing support on using new system and payment options.
  Steve and Jane will meet to clear up some confusion.
Budget: Steve will begin work on 2024 budget to be presented in April. 
Spring Festival: 
There was discussion about a spring festival and whether to continue with the labor intense ones we have had in the past or go to some kind of gathering (pot luck   perhaps) that was less of a fundraiser and did not require such a volunteer effort.  We will discuss at next meeting when Joe is able to attend and provide feedback.  
Tee shirt fundraiser:
Jill will explore the possibility of selling tee shirts as a fundraiser: costs, design possibility, fabrics.
New Plots: 
Jane has signed up three new farmers recently and currently has 10 new plots available to rent for the spring season. There will be two raised beds available and Jane 
has a waiting list for these.
Time line for annual meeting notice, election details and Survey Monkey ballot will be developed by Monica using previous year as guide. Board terms expiring in 2024 are: 
Kollman,Tyson. Steve Arkin will be put on ’24 ballot for a vote as well. Board terms expiring in ’25 will be Popp and Sample and ’26 will be Corbin, Hughes and Kahn. We will ask for volunteers to serve as board members.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 21st, 3 pm at Mike Kahn’s home: 1 Clamshell Lane.