Board Minutes 12.13.23

Skidaway Farms Board Minutes


Present: Arkin, Corbin,Hughes, Kahn, Kollman, Popp, Sample

Missing: Barrett, Tyson

Treasurers Report: Steve Arkin, our new treasurer will be

using the e-mail: His other e-

mail associated with his practice is: Steve

is using Innago: A free Online Rental Property Management

Software to collect rent on farm plots which will all be collected

once per year. Payment can be made by credit card or by personal

check dropped in our mailbox. The farmers will receive another

blast to explain the new system but ultimately rentals for all plots

will be due and paid in January.

One of our CDs with Live Oak Banks is due to be re-invested but, at

this time, the password given Steve by Tom has not worked. Steve

will further explore.

Plot Report: there are currently 11 unground plots and 2 raised

beds that will be ready to rent for the spring season. Jane has 8 on

list for unground and 6 for raised beds.

Board Resignation: the board has accepted Frank Barrett’s

resignation from the farm board due to work commitments.

Our next meetings will involve planning for spring festival,

creating a budget for 2024, preparing for our annual meeting and


Next meeting: Wednesday, January 10, 2024, Location TBA.