Board Minutes 11.15.23

Present: Steve Arkin, Jill Corbin , Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson

-October minutes approved.

Treasurers Report:

Steve suggested changing plot rental to annual billing. All plots to be billed in January.  2024 invoices will be pro-rated based on actual renewal dates. He will search for a better software package than Excel that is more suited for multiple tenants.

New software package will streamline most functions at the farm.

A bookkeeper will be assigned to oversee the farm account.

The group updated Michael on possible changes for the coming year.

Cost for the software will be provided in December.


Jane is not selling plots now until the spring.  Reviewed number of inground and raised beds available plus number of solarized beds. address: have not been able as yet to provide Dorcas with access so that she can take over rsvp to comments from farmers.

 School -group coming end of November. Jane has arranged for volunteers to work with school children.

Next Meeting scheduled for December 13th.  Joe will not be able to attend.