Board Minutes 09.19.23




PRESENT: Kollman, Popp, Rosen, Tyson

Treasurer’s Report from Tom Rosen

Tom is moving to Park Springs in November. He will be greatly missed. Steve Arkin has been

selected to replace Tom as the treasurer. Tom and Steve will work on the October Profit & Loss

and Balance Sheet.

Profit & Loss for September 1-19, 2023 reviewed. Interest income will be adjusted by $25.75

Accumulated depreciation final adjustment for plot renovation will be posted in October.

Projected income from October plot rentals is $3,800.00

Balance sheet reviewed. Tom reviewed CD renewals and discussed laddering the CD’s for 2024.

Annual Fundraiser

All monies for the Garden fund raiser have been returned. The cost of using Pay pal for

purchasing tickets was 4%. Use of PayPal for future fundraisers will be discussed at the next

meeting. September’s net income in $200.00. Projected income from plot rentals in October is


Tom provided a list for the garden to follow for future fundraising events. Notes will be scanned

and placed on the website.

Plot Inventory Review

Plots leased 159

Plots available 16 in-ground/6 raised beds

Pots quarantined 6 (weeds so bad plots need to be solarized for 6 months)

The plot rental inventory will be maintained by the Treasurer In Excel. All adds, deletions and

Changes will be sent to the Secretary(Monica) for communication coordination.

Jane will begin emailing individuals on the wait list for both in ground and raised plots.

Jane will with new in ground farmers. Carol will meet with new raised bed farmers.

Garden Maintenance Update

Jane asked for monies to purchase pine straw in October.

Jane reviewed projects than Joey is currently working on.

There is a small amount of free topsoil in the parking lot for farmers to use.

Public RelationsLynn Lewis will be contacted for help with garden PR. Dorcas will contact Lynn before next board



We have been very lucky to have Tom on the Board for many years as Treasurer. He has

done an excellent job and will be missed. If you see Tom wish him well! A celebration will

be planned after the next board meeting.