Board Minutes 11.30.22

Board Minutes 11/30/22

Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Mike Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp,

Tom Rosen, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson

Approval of 10/22/22 minutes.

Treasurers Report: Tom presented a printed P and L and Balance sheet through the end of November. He also presented a proposed budget for the upcoming year which will be reviewed and voted on at our December meeting.  In addition there was a refurbishment report that included monies paid to Jones Landscaping and Joey Tyson for their work in preparing raised beds and in-ground plots with a total amount of $8,983.  This included labor, material and a bonus of $500 to Tyson.

Plots: Currently there are 166 plots that are in use or currently rented. Since September, 20 in ground beds and 2 raised beds have been rented. There are currently 8 beds available to rent.

Drainage: discussion re how to solve drainage issues: adding soil to beds to increase the height, adding raised beds in the areas where drainage is a problem.  Also discussed was the use of a manufactured material for the raised beds and in ground surrounds. First steps will be to explore the aesthetic component of the manufactured material as well as the cost of it.  Jill and Joe will report back to board with a sample and cost info.

Parking Lot: since we haven’t had a response from association for repair of lot, it was decided that Mike will write a formal letter to the Association board from the Farm board for help in this matter.

School visits: Hancock Day school third graders will be visiting the farm for the first time this year. We have also hosted St Andrew’s school as well as Hess.  Jane has a committee who helps out with these events.

Movie: Jane and Mike have both seen the movie, The Menu, where the Farm had a very bit part.  Thumbs up for Mike and down for Jane.

Employment for Farm: lengthy discussion ensued re hiring a part time employee for the Farm.  It was decided that contracting work as we do now was the best way to proceed.  Joey Tyson and Charlie Jones have been available, do great jobs and have a good relationship with Jane.

New Business: the board decided to put a policy in place stating that the Farm will be responsible for refurbishment of plots on an as needed basis.  Surrounds will be replaced when needed and farmer will be given notification when this will occur.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 14th at 3 pm at the pavilion.