Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson
Absent: Michael Kahn
Minutes of July 20th were approved by the board.
Treasurers Report:
Tom distributed current balance sheets and profit and loss report as of 9/28/22. These were reviewed. Also explained his use of depreciation recapture after some farm improvements: improvement of garden plots, wheelbarrow refurbishment.
Electric Fence Team:
Jane reported that the farm has ongoing problems with our electric fence: breaker goes off, loose wires and suggested a team that would check the entire apparatus and fix any defects. It was recommended that Tom Stiles be asked to evaluate and make recommendations.
Plot wait list: 28 farmers are currently on the wait list for plots. Jane will register and meet with them in batches of 6 at a time.
Weed deposit: the weed deposit for new farmers will be adjusted to $100 for unground plots and remain the same for raised beds: $75. Jill will update the brochures to reflect this change.
Drainage: Bill Campbell will be contacted again by Joe to address potholes on our entrance road as well as our driveway.
Pine Straw will be ordered by Jane from the same purveyor as last year for the fall distribution.
Free library box is up and a plaque honoring Tom Davis will be ordered by Jill.
Next Meeting will be held Thursday, 10/20 at 3:00 pm at the farm.