Board Minutes 6.22.22

Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson

Absent: Mike Kahn, Dorcas Popp

May board minutes approved by board.

Financial Report: Increased expense of a large dumpster rental for the year instead of small will be $2400 a $190 increase annually but needed.

Board voted and approved an annual rental fee increase of $10 for all garden beds, including raised beds. effective in September. The weed deposit is raised to $100 for in ground beds and remains at $75 for raised beds.

Mail Box: there will be a mail box installed at the garden for dropping off rents and other communication.  Steve Sample has volunteered to make and install.

Lending library house in memory of Tom Davis will have a plaque bought and installed: “In memory of Tom Davis, a true southern gentleman and farmer.  Jill Corbin will explore plaque options. Joey Tyson will install library house.

Social Apostolate: Jane will send info to Monica and Jill regarding Social Apostolate and they will work together with what and how to disseminate information.

Next meeting: July 20th, Wednesday, 3 pm at farm.