Board Minutes 5.18.22

Board Meeting Minutes 5.18.22

Present: Jill Corbin, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Monica Hughes, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen, Steve Sample, Joe Tyson.

April Board Meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Balance sheet as of May 17th  as well as Profit and Loss statement from April 1 – May 17 was presented and reviewed by board. Michael K asked for an explanation of the Equity section under Liabilities and Equity section on the balance sheet and Tom R will provide details at June meeting.The Farm’s assets will remain in Checking – South State Bank and Savings – Live Oak Bank accounts. A blast will be sent to the farmers letting them know our current financial shape and some of the improvements we will use the movie monies for.

Drainage Review: Joe T has been in touch with Bill Campbell but has no definitive word on filling potholes or drainage plan yet.  Bill is extremely busy with Association projects currently but promises to get back to us asap.

Spring Festival Review: Festival was well attended and a great success. Revenue was $4,025., expense $1689., and net profit $2,335 per Tom R. Review and recommendations by Dorcas P who handled logistics for the event will be attached to these minutes.  We are indebted to Dorcas, Tom and Joe and all the other chefs for the work that went into this year’s spring festival.

Fall waiting List: Jane currently has 22 people on the waiting list for the fall season and is hoping to have 20 beds ready for fall. Joey T will begin working on plot prep and replacing the top boards on some of the raised beds.

Chain of command: discussion re the emergency irrigation cut-off and who to call should we have a leak or any other emergency situation at the Farm. It was decided that Joe T (843)810-4891) would be called in the absence of Jane K .

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 22 at 3:00 pm.

SPRING FLING 2022 Overview 

-Wednesday evening 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
-Ticket price $35 per person
-Menu well received by guests
-Initial ticket sales to farmers slower than expected -Rental companies unable to provide a tent 

-Using 8’ tables created a challenge with pavilion -Do not use farm refrigerator ever again!
-Schedule pick-up of leftover food for night of event! 

Recommendations for 2023 

-Set date by February 1, 2023
Heard from some farmers that they would like the dinner moved back to a Sunday. Requests that time be 5:00 pm 

-Open ticket sales to farmers and public at same time Revisit using Paypal 

-PR Plan
Get on The Landings calendar as soon as date is set Marketing to begin March 1st
Information placed in monthly Landings newsletter Banner outside farm fence
Get info about dinner on display boards at the gates 

Current company up for sale
Reserve (1)20×40 tents NOW
Small table & chair for checking guests in 

Double sided buffet/eliminate person(s) serving guests Dessert buffet placed away from dinner buffet Separate beverage station 

Having everyone work together in commercial kitchen would be ideal
Large hot box needed at farm
One type of dessert for everyone 

-Committee Assignments Fling committee
Set-up committee (day of) 

4 volunteer
Tear down committee (day of) 

4 volunteers
Board participation
Set dates for email blasts