Board Minutes 3.16.22

Board meeting minutes 3.16.22  

Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas  Popp, Tom Rosen, 

Absent: Joe Tyson 

Approval of February minutes. 

Treasurer’s Report: Tom reported on P and L statement, January – March  15. Our net income was $6,917, a reflection of the majority of rentals due  during this period.  

Our balances are kept in South State and Live Oak, checking and savings  and can be easily transferred . Our savings is earning .6% at this time. We  have a CD due in August.  

Drainage: ongoing plan in progress. No final report at this time.  

Rental Plots: 12 new farmers this spring and a wait list of 9 for the fall  season. Gardens are being solarized for the fall.  

Farm maintenance:  

Irrigation controllers are needed for the raised beds and will be bought by  Jane through Amazon. 4 – 6 will be purchased. Electric fence controller  died and a new one will be ordered.  

Election Results for ’22: Dorcas Popp and Steve Sample were elected to  the Board for a three year term beginning May 1st. There were three write  in candidates as well: Terry Kelly, Billy Lugar and Cliff Spiro. Mike will  contact Steve. Jane will assess interest of the write ins.  

Pot holes in parking lot have not yet been filled but will be soon hopefully  The association has said they will.  

Work Party scheduled for Saturday: shrubs in the wildflower beds need to  be cut back, weeds pulled.  

Spring Festival: May 4th. Tickets will be $35, individual and $60 per  couple. Dorcas is exploring costs and possibility of expanding spring  festival to accommodate more people. 

Grill for the garden: Tom is exploring purchasing a grill for use at the  garden and will get board’s approval after he selects one. This will  probably be accomplished through email before the next meeting  

Blasts: sent to remind farmers to close gate after they leave as well as  clean and bag their donated vegetable before placing in refrigerator.  Remind folks of annual meeting (4 pm) as well as first garden party (5pm)  on May1st.  

Next meeting: Annual meeting to be held at the farm on April 1st at 4pm.  Mike will make introductions and a short update on the year and Tom will  review our finances in brief.