Board Minutes 2.16.22

Present: Jill Corbin, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Monica Hughes, Dorcas Popp, Tom

Rosen, Joe Tyson.

Board Meeting minutes of January were approved unanimously.

Drainage Review: the estimate from ACE landscape Development came in at $67,750 for our drainage remediation which was considered too high by all. It involved installing French drain lines running the length of the property to beyond the north parking lot into the lowest point of the land. Joe will look into some less expensive remediation with the possible help of Bill Campbell of the Association and ACE.

Treasurers Report: Balance sheet as of January 1 and Profit and Loss Budget was presented and reviewed by board. The Farm’s assets will remain in Checking – South State Bank and Savings – Live Oak Bank accounts. Plan to move some monies to Pentagon was aborted as too complicated and not worth the effort.

Spring Festival will be held on May 4th from 4 – 7. A “save the date” blast will be sent out in the next week to inform the farmers. There will be a maximum of 130 people attending.

Joe Tyson will contact the Association to see if they can provide help with some repair to the worsening potholes in our parking lot with the application of millings.

New Farmers: 12 new farmers have signed up for spring and more plots will be solarized for fall planting. We continue to have interest in the Farm fro the community and are working to create new beds to fulfill the demand.

Compost has been delivered to the Farm and will be distributed to individual beds tomorrow.

Election of new members for the Board: Monica will send out a Survey Monkey ballot to farmers with Dorcas Popp and Steve Sample list as candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors. There will also be an ability to write in a candidate.

Annual Meeting Notice will be sent to farmers. Annual meeting will be held on Friday, April 1st and will coincide with our first Friday garden gathering.

Next Board Meeting: Wednesday, March 16th at 10 am at the Farm.