Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: 1/26/22
Present: Sue Burns, Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp,
Tom Rosen, Joe Tyson,
Board Minutes from last meeting,12/15/21, were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Rosen presented and handed out copies of our balance sheet from January 2021 and January 2022 which reflected the increase in assets due to the film companies payment for use of the Farm in movie shoot. Also presented a proposed budget for 2022 with profit and loss numbers about even except for the depreciation expense reflected in the final number. He also recommended putting some of our assets into a third bank, the Pentagon, for added flexibility. So our assets will be divided among South State bank, Live Oak bank and Pentagon bank which is offering the highest interest of the three (1%). Board voted to do this.
Drainage Update: Bill Campbell visited the farm and met with Joe and Jane to take a look at drainage problem, suggested catch basins be installed underground. More detail and estimate forthcoming.
Compost: from Reid Archer will be delivered on 2/15. 2 yards for pollinator garden and 3 yards for new plots needing compost. This will be expensed to the farm. Farmers ordering compost need to pay up front: $100 per yard, $60 per 1/2 yard. Dorcas will handle this.
Irrigation repair: 21 heads need to be replaced at $10.50 apiece. Joey will pick up 25 and replace, expense $200. plus.
Tom Davis Memorial: reaching out to a Barn Builder, Ed Case, to see if they will take this on.
Board member election: Mike has received notice of one interested party, Steve Sample. Sue Burns proffered her resignation from the board due to a probable move to California. Mike will write a description of board member’s responsibilities and another blast will go out asking for volunteers.
Garden Plots: Jane has 11 folks on her spring list for in ground plots and 3 for raised beds.
New Business: Annual meeting: Friday, 4/1 at 5pm. Spring Fest, Wednesday, 5/4, 4-7pm
Next Board meeting: at 1 pm, 2/16