Board Minutes 10.20.21

Present: Susan Burns, Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn,Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen
Absent: Ralph Hinz, Joe Tyson

Treasurer’s Report:
Movie income has been ($30,000) deposited in Live Oak Bank at present time, earning interest of .06%. Rest of the budget is solid with an influx of new farmers plus the expense of preparing plots for them. We will use some of the proceeds from the filming to defray the cost of dealing with our long term drainage issues and bank the rest for future capital expenses.

St. Andrew’s School annual visit will be held on October 21 when 36 children will be attending. This is the 5th year that our farm has been hosting the class at St. Andrews thanks to Jane, Carol and other volunteers.

Raised Beds: timers will be replaced on the raised beds.
New Farmers: there have been 7 plots sold and Jane has 13 more on her wait list as of now. These will be enclosed and made ready by Charlie Jones crew and rented as needed.

Public Relations: Dorcas presented some PR ideas and discussion re the website, blasts and a possible blog was had. Dorcas will present some refinement of ideas at next board meeting.

Drainage: another discussion was had re drainage problems and tabled until next month’s meeting when more suppliers could be consulted and details known.

New Business: Tom needs a new farm computer and a motion was presented by Jane, seconded by Dorcas and unanimously passed that Tom will buy a new computer for no more than $800.
Plant Strong group will be meeting at the farm on 10/30 12-1:30.
Garden club will be meeting on 12/1 from 9:30-12.
Ralph Hinz has resigned from the board, effectively immediately. Ralph has been a valuble volunteer at the farm for the last 10 years and we regretfully accept his resignation. A party for Ralph will be held at our next board meeting.

Next board meeting: Wednesday, 11/17 at 1 pm at the farm