Board Minutes 9.22.21


Present:    Sue Burns, Jill Corbin, Ralph Hinz, Monica Hughes, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen, Joe Tyson

Absent: Michael Kahn  

Treasurers Report: Tom Rosen reported once again that  Skidaway Farms is in great financial shape. Our major expenses coming up will be the raised bed renovation and construction of new beds, pine straw application and replacement of our old computer. We will have the added income of monies donated for the film scene that will be shot at the farm. In light of this and due to covid, the fall festival will not be held.

Garden Plots and raised beds: 4 raised beds have been redone, Lumber will be delivered for new garden plots will be worked on and completed this fall with Charlie Jones preparing the beds and Joe Tyson enclosing and setting irrigation for plots.  We will then have 13 new plots in the north section and 2 in section A. Jane has 20 new farmers and we hope to be able to accommodate all.

Pine straw: scheduled for 9/27 at $5 per bale, 200 bales delivered and spread.  Joe Tyson set forth a motion to approve this expense of $1000 and it was carried unanimously.

Blasts: Three blasts will be sent out: Fall Planting Class, October 3rd at 2 pm and Work Party, September 25th. First Friday garden party needs to be updated before sending.

Film Contract and Info: Joe Tyson’s neighbor has donated her time in negotiating with the board our contract with the film company. We are most grateful and board agreed to buy her a gift certificate for this pro bono work. The contract will be finalized with treasurer and secretary’s signatures, the new date of filming to be the 15th, and the other changes that were agreed upon and signed by the movie company.  A check will be directly deposited in farm’s account when this is done. Monica will send out a letter to those 4 farmers who are affected by the hoop houses this last week of September and  Sue will compose and send a letter to all the farmers the first week in October.

New Business: Dumpster will be changed to the larger size and emptied once per week.

Next Meeting: October 20th at 1 pm at the farm.

Addendum:  board approved by phone on Thursday, 9/23 by unanimous vote the total amount of $2200.56 plus freight to purchase lumber for the enclosures on 15 plots.