Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: 6/30/21
Present: Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp, Tom Rosen
Absent: Sue Burns, Ralph Hinz, Joe Tyson
Treasurers Report: Tom Rosen reported that Skidaway Farms is in great financial shape. YTD income is up $1000 from last year and that is without holding a spring festival, our major fundraiser. We are only missing one farmer’s rent and will request clean up payment of $275 as plot is no longer farmed and has been left untended.
Fall Festival: our annual festival will be held this coming fall on Wednesday, either 10/29 or 11/3. Tom will get back to board after discussing these dates with Joe and confirm one of them. Dorcas Popp has volunteered to organize the fall festival.
Plot rentals: we have currently 15 people waiting for plots for the fall season and will have 15 plots ready to go.
Raised beds: our existing raised beds need refurbishing as the wood has been rotting underground. We need to repair our existing raised beds and build some new ones as they are highly desirable for rentals. A motion was set forth by Jane to build one new one and replace one existing one so that the board can assess the expense of doing this and make a decision on moving forward. Dorcas Popp seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Pine straw: still not available and will probably not be until the fall.
Farm Maintenance: farmers will be notified by blast to begin cleaning up their plots for the summer, removing plant debris etc. and covering with either a cover crop or black plastic.
New Business: We are celebrating 10 years since Skidaway Farms became a reality in 2011.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 22nd @ 1 pm at the farm.