Present: Susan Burns, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Dorcas Popp
Absent: Jill Corbin, Ralph Hinz, Tom Rosen, Joe Tyson
Appointment of Dorcas Popp to the board: Dorcas was unanimously voted by the present board to serve as a provisional board member to replace outgoing board member, Karen Burroughs until next spring’s election.
Treasurers Report: Tom Rosen was unable to attend the board meeting but sent the financial reports for May, 2021 to the board members by email on 6/5.
The balance sheet:- There is a 9.3% increase in cash due mainly to increased plot deposits of $1300, favorable income and expense items.
Next the income comparision of year to date May, 2020 and May, 2021: Our YTD is outstanding with waiting list of new farmers awaiting plots. We have several new plots that will come on line after solarization.
Accounts receivable are current.
Discussion of Fall Festival: Item tabled until next meeting so a discussion can be had with Tom and Joe about available dates and other details.
Pine straw update: Unfortunately Victor has been unable to supply us with pine straw yet but will notify Jane when it becomes available
Landlover’s Grant: the farm received a generous donation of $1000 from Landlovers to be used equally between the children’s garden and the butterfly garden. Thanks to Jane for applying for the Landlover’s grant.
Fall Waiting list: the farm currently has 11 folks waiting for farm plots in the fall and 2 waiting for a raised bed. We currently have 7 beds being solarized for fall availability.
New Business: 1.Dorcas Popp has volunteered to be our public relations person. Thank you Dorcas. 2. Monica will send a blast to farmers re safe sprays to use at the farm that will protect our honey bees. 3. Our first Friday garden party was a huge success, attended by about 40 people. 4. Monica will send drone pictures of the farm to the board taken by Tiffany Taylor for possible use in advertising. 5. Jane said the two people were not receiving blasts. Monica will check e-mails.
Next Meeting: June 30, Wednesday, 1pm at the farm.