Annual Meeting
Michael Kahn opened the meeting with a welcome to all, remarks about the state of Skidaway Farms, how it has grown and prospered over the past few years due to good stewardship, increase in rental fee and an increase in farmers. We are in better health currently than we have been in many years.
Introductions were then made of board members present as well as the five farmers who attended the annual meeting. The official board meeting then commenced.
Present: Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs, Jill Corbin, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen,
Absent: Ralph Hinz, Joe Tyson
Treasurers Report:
Tom reported that 30 new plots were rented in2020 and already 18 new plots in 2021. Currently there are 3 plots available and 1 raised bed. Clearly we have a need to have more plots available this coming fall. The farm’s balance sheet for April was presented to the board. We are in healthy financial shape.
Election Results:
Ralph Hinz, Jane Kollman and Mike Tyson were elected to the board. 35% of the farmers voted in the election.
Raised Beds:
Tom and Joe will purchase materials and construct one raised bed so the cost of adding more can be determined. Also the cost of repairing existing beds will be estimated and both will be presented at the May board meeting. The board will then vote on how best to move forward.
Expansion of plots:
Goal is to have 10 new plots available to rent by the end of the summer and a work party will be organized to begin solarizing more plots.
Fall Festival:
The board is hoping to organize a fall festival for sometime in October dependent on covid conditions and will set a date at the May board meeting with Joe and Tom.
Spring Pine Straw:
The board voted to purchase and have pine straw spread in the farm this spring. The cost will be $720. The vote was 4 ayes and 3 nays.
New Refrigerator :
will be delivered Monday 4/26. Cost was $600 plus tax.
We have had many guests using our pavilion for meetings and gatherings: Green Thumb Garden Club, Realtor Groups etc. A calendar is needed to keep track of dates and Dorcas Popp will donate a white board so scheduling will be easier.
Blast will be sent out to schedule a work party on Saturday, May 15th at 8 am to begin to solarize new plots .
Blast will be sent out to announce a cocktail party the first Friday of every month from 4 – 6, BYOB and snack to share. The first event will be held May 7th.
Next Meeting: May 26th at 1pm at the farm.