Board Minutes
Present: Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs, Jill Corbin, Ralph Hinz, Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen,
Absent: Joe Tyson
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Rosen presented our P and L previous year comparison, January through December 2020, a proposed P and L Budget overview and balance sheet that reflected previous year comparison. Our 2021 budget was presented then. After thorough discussion the board voted to approve the new budget for the year 2021. MK made a motion to adopt the 2021 budget, JK approved the motion, SB seconded. Passed unanimously. Budget will be posted on the website asap by MH
Tom Rosen also presented various investment options for the $10,000. that the farm will be investing out of our savings and it was decided that the best option would be to transfer this money into our Live Oak savings account.
Bell installation update: all materials are ready and at the farm and the bell will be installed as soon as possible.
Drainage problem/solution update: Jane has scheduled a couple of meetings with drainage contractors and will call on Ralph, Tom, Mike to attend so that a decision can be made as to the best option.
Vegetable Donations: Emmaus House is no longer taking donations as cooking has been suspended due to Covid. Food will now be donated to the Social Apostolate which is feeding meals to those in need. The garden club farms two plots of theirs dedicated to this endeavor.
Farm Brochure: Jill presented a mock up of the new brochure for the farm that she created. It was terrific and kudos to Jill for her time, effort and expertise.
Bees: Monica reported that our beekeeper is Joann Lyon and she will be establishing two hives this spring. She declined any financial help with this endeavor but did want some help with pesticide control. Monica will be the go between for the farm and will request from Joann info on what chemicals are harmful to the hives and alert our farmers.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:08 pm.
Next meeting will be held at the club conference room on February 24th at 3:00 pm.