Board Minutes 3.24.20

Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: 3/24/20

Present: Monica Hughes, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen 

Absent:  Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs, Ralph Hinz, Joe Tyson


Treasurers Report: Tom Rosen presented the current balance sheet and income statement as of February 29, 2020 as well as the proposed budget for this coming fiscal year.The proposed budget was reviewed by members, both with and without a spring festival income.It was decided that the spring festival would be moved to a weekday in October, 2020, thus proceeds will remain in proposed new budget.Proposed new budget was approved by all present.

Nominating Committee report: the farm has had a number of people willing to serve on the board and elections will take place before our annual meeting.  Tom Rosen will handle the election process through survey monkey.  There are five spots available as Mike and Monica’s terms expire this year. Both Mike and Monica will run as well as Jill Corbin, George LaPenta and Bob Marcutulio.

Marketing: Jill Corbin attended meeting and discussion of more user friendly website for farm’s website were discussed.  Jill will explore the possibility of using Wix as she is now managing the WordPress site for us. It was decided by the board that the WordPress site was too complicated for our needs. Jill also volunteered to develop a new publicist flyer for us as our current one is not effective.

Spring Festival: Date was canceled due to the corona virus and moved to a weekday in October tbd.

New Business: Eleven new plots have been rented since the beginning of the year.

Landlover grants are due by April 6th and Jane will apply for funding for children’s garden as well as new lumber for plot boundaries.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 1 pm April 14th at the Farm.  This will be our annual meeting.