Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: 1/7/20
Present: Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs Monica Hughes, Ralph Hinz, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen,
Absent: Joe Tyson
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Rosen reported on the e-mailed current Income statements.
He recommended that the depreciation schedule omit any adjustment for road depreciation and that the figures for the pavilion remain the same. The board agreed that this was wise as well as prudent. There still remain some technical/computer issues that need to be ironed out to completely transfer all the financials from Ron Dillard to Tom and those are in process. Tom will be on a trip the remainder of the month and Jane will pay any bills during this interval.
Maintenance: Ralph reported that he has installed 20 of the 60 shut off valves that need to be installed and will continue replacing the remaining. A big thank you to Ralph for all the hard work he donates to the farm.
Annual Meeting: Board designated that the annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 14th at the farm. Monica will send out a notice to all farmers 30 – 60 days before the meeting. Mike will chair the nominating committee to select candidates for the board. Mike and Monica’s terms expire this year. Monica will send out a blast to the farmers seeking their interest for serving on the board.
Skidaway Farm Rules Addition: “the farm directors may designate available farm plots to be used for educational and/or aesthetic purposes.” Motion: Hughes, 2nd: Burroughs, passed unanimously.
Marketing: Barbara Dickinson has agreed to contribute time to helping market Skidaway Farms by posting on social media, through the association and the club’s websites and publications. Jim Guerard has agreed to take a drone photo of the farm for publicity purposes.
Website: Jane and Jill Corbin will meet with Rick Cunningham to discuss the Farm’s website on Thursday, 1/9 to discuss the possibility of creating a new website with some more up to date program, one that is more user friendly and easier to navigate.
New Business: Spring Festival tentatively set for Wednesday, May 6th from 4:30 – 7:30 if given the ok by Joe and Tom.
Farm Work Party scheduled for Saturday, January 25th, 9 am, rain date: Sunday, 26th at 1 pm
New compost program going on at Bethesda will be explored by Jane and reported on at February meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2/11/20 at 1 pm at club offices.