Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: September 26, 2019
Present: Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs, Monica Hughes, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen, Joe Tyson
Absent: Michael Kahn, Ralph Hinz
Introductions and Welcome: Tom Rosen was introduced as our new treasurer and a motion was made by MH to install him as the Farm’s acting provisional treasurer until the spring elections, seconded by KB, unanimously approved.
Treasurers Report: Tom reported that we will have a shortfall this year of $1300 because of plots not being rented. We need to rent 13 plots and 10 plots are ready to go. Tom also has some feelers out for someone to serve as a marketing person for the Farm. Susan is willing to help the marketing effort.
Farm Bell: Karen is donating her family’s farm bell to the Farm and the plan is to install it this winter with the possible help of the barn builders. Karen and her husband installed two new birdhouses and will fix the ones that need new latches.
Weather Station: Rick Cunningham reported that the Audubon Club will continue to pay costs associated with the Farm’s weather station.
Farm Visits: Jane reported that there will be a visit to the Farm by The Garden Club on 10/7 at 10:30 and that the Hess school kindergarten class will visit on two days, 11/7 and 11/8 from 9 -12:30. Volunteers will be needed the days the school children are here and a blast will be sent by Monica.
Plot Rental Increase: Discussion re plot rental and the need for increased revenue. Plot prices have not been raised since Farm’s beginnings. JK made a motion to raise plot rental fee to $125. for a 10 by 20 plot and $175. for a raised bed to begin January 1, seconded by MH and unanimously passed. A notice will be sent out to the Farmers notifying them of the increase by MH.
ByLaws: MH will amend the bylaws to reflect JK’s role as VP and the duties of the VP which are to assume the role of president in his absence and to be the general manager of the day to day operations of the Farm.
Next Meeting: October 23 at 1:00 pm