Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: July 24, 2019
Present: Susan Burns, Karen Burroughs, Ron Dillard, Linny Dillard, Ralph Hinz, Monica Hughes, Jane Kollman, Joe Tyson
Absent: Michael Kahn
Raised Beds: R Hinz presented information on the cost of raised beds using lumber and using concrete blocks. The costs were about equal for both but the resilience of the concrete was noted. There may be the possibility of having Bethesda Barn Builders, a volunteer organization, build the wooden raised beds and J Kollman will get in touch with Ed Case, her contact with this organization, when she returns from vacation This would defray the labor cost substantially. Tabled until September meeting when we have this information.
Maintenance: Blue Bird houses are in poor condition and need to be replaced. K Burroughs will request the Landings woodworker’s club to make 5 – 10 more bird houses as they are making some for Audubon.
Farm Bell: K Burroughs requested that her family farm bell be relocated from her garage to be hung at the farm. The board unanimously approved this and will look for a way to secure the bell and a good location for it.
Treasurers Report: R Dillard reported and emailed copies of the June Balance Sheet, June Income Statement, Accounts Receivable Report, and Farm Plat. Our cash position remains solid. Renewed our General Liability, Directors & Officers, and Accident Insurance policies this week for $1356.00 which was the same premium we paid last year. Our property casualty policy doesn’t renew until later this year. One of our CD’s matures in August which will be renewed.
Survey: Farm survey was reviewed and discussed. There were the usual complaints about weeds encroaching on farmer’s plots as well as uneven water distribution from the over head sprinklers. Both are constant problems that farmers need to address by keeping their farms tidy and reporting any nearby plots that have encroaching weed problems. Watering system is checked in entirety every spring and when there are new seedlings or very hot weather plots may require more water than the overhead sprinklers provide. Discussion about raising garden plot fee by $25 ensued with a decision made to check finances again in October before any decision is made.
Meeting was adjourned.
No meeting will be held in August.
Next meeting will be Thursday, September 26, 2019