Present:Present: M Kahn, J Kollmann, L Dillard, R Dillard, M Hughes, R Hinz
Absent: J Tyson, C Adler
Unanimous Board Approval for By-law changes and Officer election. Farm Rules updated per R Dillard, Monica to post changes for both By-laws and Farm Rules on Farm website.
Treasurer Report per R Dillard:
Asset Replacement Account transferred to Online Savings Bank, Live OakBank. The amount of $20,000 was placed in a 6 month CD to earn a better interest rate. This move was Board approved at the January meeting.
2019 Budget Approval: Discussion, need for modification determined, Advertising Budget decreased from $900 to $450. The $900 in roads and paths will remain as records indicated an amount near that number for pine straw delivery and installation done in October.
Nominating Committee approved for upcoming election:
M. Kahn, Jane will enlist K Smith and Linda will ask J Duren to participate.
Vote to be held online April 3
Annual Meeting set for April 17, 5pm
Spring Festival set for May 1, 2019, Monica will blast to save the date. Ticket price set at $35 per person, increase noted to be needed as this is Farms only fundraiser and farm revenues are down.
Grant application for irrigation cost sent, result should be known by April..
Work party 3/9/2019, 10am-??, Monica will send blast and Jane will post on message board at the farm.
Discussion regarding ways to improve Farm revenues:
Sell more plots, Marketing Campaign Ongoing per L Dillard
L Dillard looking into community business support for a raffle at the Spring Festival.
Next meeting, 3/27 4pm at the farm. Report from Nominating Committee is expected regarding folks willing to run for vacant Board positions. Monica will send a blast to Farmers to solicit interest in running for the Board.