Annual Board Minutes 6.13.18

Present: J Kollmann, M Welsh, C Adler, M Kahn, B Rogers
Absent: J Tyson, M Hughes

1) Slate of candidates proposed for Board vote are:
Monica Hughes, Bob Rogers, Linda Dillard
Motion to accept slate of candidates per M Welsh, second per M Kahn,  unanimously approved per board and attending farmers. Due to inclement weather and low Farmer turnout at the meeting an online vote will be set up per R Cunningham.

2) Approval of new Officers on the board to be deferred until next meeting, 7/11/18, pending the voting and decision of the nominating committee.  Motion to do so per C Adler, second per M Welsh.

3)  a. Budget approval per motion C Adler, 2nd per M Welsh, unanimously approved. After discussion, motion to amend budget per C Adler, to include $800 in donations to Children’s Garden and bring bottom line to $3,600,second perJ Kollmann.

  b.  Motion per C Adler to move budget surplus to Asset Replacement Account, second per M Welsh, unanimously approved per board.

  c.  Discussion to add monies in budget for a weather station pending funding sources for WiFi connection and equipment.

4) Irrigation update per R Hinz: hose bibs are aging as pvc is becoming more brittle causing an increase in number of leaks.  Ralph will obtain estimate cost to replace the aging hose bibs.  

5)  Electric fence has been operating properly and is at full power.  Ralph replaced the aging box that housed the fence timer unit.

6)  Final profit from Spring Festival:  $1,483.73
Current Checking Account Balance: $19,025.01
Current Asset Replacement Account Balance: $16,269.48

7) Welcome Linda Dillard who has offered to serve on the board.  She will will be on the slate for the upcoming vote/election.

8) Weeds are bountiful!  Keep on weeding!

Motion to adjourn per M Kahn, second per J Kollmann

Next meeting 7/11/18 5pm @ the Farm

Minutes approved by J Kollman, M Welch, C Adler