Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollmann, Bob Rogers, Monica Hughes, Ralph Hinz, Cathy Adler
Absent: Joe Tyson, Rick Cunningham
1. Jane will speak to Joe to schedule a class for new Farmers at the end of February.
2. Spring Festival date set for May 7, 2017
3. Board decided the Annual Farm Meeting to be held April 12, 2017 , 5:00 at the Farm
Fiscal year end to be 3/31, 2017 farm budget will be available at the annual meeting. Farm volunteers also will be honored.
4. Election for new Board members to be held.
Nominating Committee named:
Monica Hughes, Rick Cunningham, and Jane Kollmann
Monica will send farmer blast requesting volunteers.
5. Farm entrance needs cleanup, Jane will contact TLA regarding the removal of fallen gates.
6. Lower wire on electric fence not in working order, Ralph will contact his electrician son and schedule the repair, this will need to occur before the spring/summer garden season begins as raccoons have been a problem.
7. Material costs for updating irrigation in wildflower beds determined to be approximately $300, motion to approve update per C. Adler , second per M. Hughes. Motion passed
8. Monica reports that blast function on website continues to be a problem. Rick is working on this problem.
9. Farm Finance Report per B Rogers: farm balance expenses with rental income. The current rental collection is in progress. He also continues to work on a potential reduction in insurance costs for the farm.
Motion to adjourn per J Kollmann, second per C Adler
Next meeting 2/15/17, 5:00 at the Club Offices