Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollmann, Ralph Hinz, Bob Rogers, Monica Hughes
Absent: Joe Tyson, Cathy Adler, Rick Cunningham
1) Financial report per BR, $10,848.00 in checking account, $11,257.00 in asset replacement account. Preparing for January/February rental collection. Bob continues to research cost comparisons for reduced insurance costs.
2) Dates for spring festival discussed, May 7 tentatively set, need approval from Tom Rosen who assists with food.
3) Pine straw for pathways, delivery set for 1/17, Monica will send a blast to farmers, Jane will post on chalkboards to secure farmer participation.
4) Cover for irrigation controller approved and will be installed after the first if the year. Will be built by Bethesda Barn Builders for a cost of $160.00.
5) Happy New Year blast to be sent to farmers with list of Board accomplishments for 2016. List discussed, compiled, and Monica will blast.
6) Due date for election of new board members discussed. Monica will research bylaws for election requirements/timing and report back.
7) Cost for improved irrigation in wildflower beds discussed, Ralph will research and report back.
8) As spring gets closer another farmer work party date will be set.
Motion to adjourn first per JK second per MW
Approved by: JK,MH,JT,MW
Next meeting 1/19/17