Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollmann, Ralph Hinz, Joe Tyson, Bob Rogers, Cathy Adler
Absent: Monica Hughes, Rick Cunningham
1) Monica continues to progress with webmaster duties, bylaws have been posted, farm rules are being reviewed per the board and will be posted after review.
2) Power wash of pavilion to take place 9/19
3) Herb garden will stay undercover until January at which time prep for spring will begin.
4) Potential for fall festival discussed and decided time was now too short to properly execute an event. Planning for spring festival discussed and planning will be ongoing. Ralph researched the possibility of table/chair rental/ setup, cost would be around $408. This would alleviate some of the preparation details for an event.
5) The need for cleanup of north fence line/wildflower beds discussed, when weather moderates a work party will be organized.
6) The need for organic section cleanup discussed, Jane will send an email to the group and set up a meeting for discussion.
7) Other Business:
a) The need for improved irrigation in wildflower beds discussed. Ralph suggested a better setup for the areas and would look into cost and spearhead the change .
Motion to approve the change in irrigation per Cathy Adler, second per Mike Welsh
b) Discussion re irrigation in raised beds per Ralph: controllers are starting to wear and need replacement, suggestion made for farmer to be responsible for replacement cost and maintenance of equipment.
Next meeting: October 4, 2016 5pm @ the farm
Motion to adjourn JK/ second CA