Minutes – Skidaway Farms, Inc. Board Meeting Wednesday June 15, 5:00 pm Skidaway Audubon Pavilion Present: Mike Welsh, Jane Kollman, Cathy Adler, Ralph Hinz, Monica Hughes, Bob Rogers Absent: Joe Tyson Other Attendees: Rick Cunningham 1. Meeting minutes of 5-21-2016 approved, motion by JK, second by CA, unanimously approved. 2. Budget presented by Cathy Adler, discussed, approved unanimously, budget will be posted on website. 3. Finance report per Bob Rogers: a) YTD $12,350 in plot rental income, $ 1,600 to be collected for remainder of year. b) $17,143 in checking account, $11,257 in asset replacement account 4. Website update: Monica Hughes currently […]