Next time you go to the Farm and see that your pathway has been recently covered with new pine straw, you are probably lucky enough to be gardening next to one of the following Farmers who volunteered to unload the truck, carry all the bales and distribute them onto the paths and then stayed to spread the pine straw on the paths near their own plots!
Your fellow hard-working Farmers were:
Alex Daley, Tom Kollmann, Ralph Hinz, Jane Kollmann, Kathy Hardigan, Sue West, Mike Welsh, Terry Ackland.
As well as stalwart souls Kim Huffman and Robert Rogers who showed up in the 35 degree cold at 9:30 only to find out the delivery truck would be delayed for a 90 minutes! Thanks fellas, for the effort on this blustery morn!
The 20 ft. pathway next to your plot can be covered by shaking out 1 1/2 bales of pine straw staged on your pathway. The bales have been distributed all around the Farm for you to do this
Thanks again to this morning’s “farm hands”!