(for the TLA Dec. Journal)
From its inception, Skidaway Farms has been very lucky to be under the guiding umbrella of the Skidaway Audubon Society. Indeed, many of the folks who volunteered their time and effort on the original Farm’s Development Committee were members of Skidaway Audubon. So Skidaway Farms owes its very existence to its parent-organization and because of that, has decided to name the pavilion to be constructed in the Farm “The Skidaway Audubon Pavilion”.
The Farm is also very lucky to have a close rapport with our region’s affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Habitat’s local Executive Director, Virginia Brown, a Landings resident and Skidaway Farmer, has been working with Farm Chair, Blake Caldwell for many months of the plan needed to construct the pavilion. While Habitat for Humanity’s primary mission is to support those in need of primary shelter, it also has downtime where their crews can volunteer for other local projects. In our region, many of these volunteers not only live at the Landings but are Farmers on Skidaway! These folks have graciously penciled into their schedules the Farm’s project to build our Skidaway Audubon Pavilion!
The project was to begin in January, however Habitat has been called on by the city of Savannah to complete construction on a home for a very needy family by March of 2013. The Farm’s Governance Committee recognizes the importance of such an effort and has gladly put the pavilion work on hold until a later date.
In the meantime, our fundraising drive for the Skidaway Audubon Pavilion will continue so that the costs of the building supplies will be covered when construction begins. Donations can be made during this tax year if received by December 31st. All contributions will be permanently noted by donor and category on a plaque within the pavilion itself. Tax exempt pledges can be made by check payable to Skidaway Audubon, 600 Landings Way South, Savannah, GA 31411. Please put “Skidaway Audubon Pavilion” in the memo line.
If you would like to find out more about supporting this incredible project, contact Cathy Adler at events@skidawayfarms.net or Blake at mblakecaldwell@bellsouth.net