The Farm’s Fall Festival’s day one was for the children and the “lunch set”…. but today was all about the bees!
Coastal Empire Beekeepers Assn. President…and OUR beekeeper…Greg Stewart, and beekeeper Laura Lu were at the Farm for over two hours showing a captive group of Farmers just how great our bees really are. AND how many products they supply us humans with – Honey or course, but also Beeswax – good for drugs, cosmetics, furniture polish, and candle making, and Propolis – that gummy substance the bees extract from local trees that they use for comb-repair and we humans use to ward off the flu and the like. In fact, Greg plops a chew of it in his mouth from time to time just for that reason!
The good news is we have well over 35,000 very happy European Honey Bees that are madly churning out pounds of honey – in fact, today Greg and Laura estimated that there’s about 50 lbs. of honey in the hives right now. That was before we witnessed them extract four combs from one hive… uncap it…spin it (courtesy of Farmer Kym Huffman’s skill at churning)…and then pour it into a cup for all to taste.
“Best honey I EVER tasted”, was heard from most of the crowd as the cup was past among the Farmers for a popsicle stick dip and taste test. So good, in fact, that we all left with a jar of it…labeled “Pure Honey…Skidaway Farms”!
Stewart and Lu are magicians with these bees and excellent instructors as well. The Farmers learned more than a thing or two about our bees and the wonderful symbiotic relationship they have with the plants in the Farm. We at Skidaway are lucky to have them…and Greg Stewart as well.
This was an afternoon of wonder at the Farm… those of you who missed it will have to attend one of Greg’s seminars at Oatland Education Center in Savannah. Check out his event schedule at
You can also join the CEBA for a mere $ 25….and receive all Greg’s emails and newsletters on all things-bee. Treat yourself to some of our Skidaway Farms Honey and you’ll jump on board! (10/14/12)