Many familiar faces….and some new ones… gathered at the Farm this weekend to talk about their plots, plants and plans for the next season. Led by the Farm’s indefatigable maitresse d’education, the Committee’s own Donna Shea, the discussion started on bugs…went to tomatoes… then donations to our Second Harvest food initiative…and finally ended with a list of projected projects for the Farm.
You can read the entire list of topics… suggestions … books, pesticides and organic solutions under the Education page here.
A round of applause went out for the success of the Farm’s “anti-raccoon” electric fence ….so far – so good! And a special “Thank You” also went to the TLA’s Security staff that has added the daily setup and close-down of this fence to their standard duties… the Farm can’t thank y’all enough!
One entertaining Farmer couldn’t help but wish out loud that being the intelligent critters that they are, the raccoons might be plotting to sacrifice one of their members to throw himself on the wires and allow the others to clamber safely over him… a humorous image the rest of us laughed at…but then quickly prayed that the raccoons weren’t listening too closely!
It’s always good to share what we’ve learned…these conversations are getting more and more robust as many more Farmers garner experiences with farming in the Savannah climate. Well done by us all!!! (7/1/12)