A couple Farmers proudly showed off their red-ripening strawberries recently…it’s a bit earlier than usual for these delicious red berries but our weather has been impossible to predict lately! The good thing is that this has thrown off the birds that so far haven’t schedule in their daily berry-pickin’ flyovers…at least not yet.
Just for good measure, both these Farmers smartly covered their berry plots with bird-netting…strung above the plants high enough to keep prying beaks from picking through the netting holes. This bird-netting is also good for squirrels and raccoons as well…seems none of these critters like touching this soft, clingy material…guess it rattles their sensibilities too much!
Give it a try when it comes to saving your tomatoes as well…last season, no tomatoes wrapped in bird-netting were demolished by the ‘coons. What a wonderful, inexpensive invention! (3/24/12)