A few Sundays ago, close to 30 Farmers gathered at Delegal Marina to share ideas on the future of the Farm.
Needless-to-say, a good time was had by all!
The hors d’oeuvres were scrumptious…goat cheese wrapped with a delectable cranberry crunch…a smoked trout dip with green onions and fresh herbs spread over sourdough rounds…and an eggplant-tomato-herb blend that took the crowd by storm!
We Farmers DO know a thing or two about fine eating!
The Governance Committee members were on-hand to update the group on the Online Registration System; the plans for a Tool Storage Shed at the Farm; the Overhead Irrigation System; and further research on Raccoon Control possibilities.
The Farm is in need of someone with design skills to help draw out a shed with lockers for tool storage. Contact Blake if you would like to lend a hand with this project.
Farmer Joe Tyson gave a presentation on starting seeds in the off-season. He was very informative especially about the challenges of seedling growth here in the humid, hot Savannah climate. You can read all Joe’s tips and get his recommendations for helpful websites here.
Afterwards, many comments were voiced about such things as Farm Security; produce donations; stand-in plot-tenders for vacationing Farmers; tips on growing cover crops and asparagus and the raccoon marauders at the Farm. It was good to hear what the group had to say….and good to hear how well our first year had fared…not perfect, but wonderful, just-the-same!
The gathering was a success…the good-will was unmistakable….and the future of the Farm is in the good hands of all you caring Farmers! Bring on 2012! (12/5/11)