The outstanding work of Bethesda Barn Builders is present throughout the Farm. All the benches …and soon-to-be-built picnic tables… were handcrafted by this talented band of volunteer carpenters. Landings resident, Bo Wolf manages these 14 men and coordinates the myriad of requests they receive for projects in Savannah. Our Southern Pine benches were designed especially for the Farm. Check out the dedication plaques on each one – some are in honor of a present Farmer and others are in memory of a loved one who has passed on. Bethesda Barn Builders felt it was time to dedicate a permanent memorial to several of their members with a bench at the Farm. This bench is located inside the north gate, (next to Zipperer Land Management’s demo garden).
The plaque reads, “This bench was built by the Bethesda Barn Builders and is dedicated to the memory of our members who have passed on – Mike Fitzgerald, Dale Sutton, Dave Kintzing , Hugh Bell and John Giachetto”.
Skidaway Farms is proud of our loyal relationship with Bethesda Barn Builders and just wanted to publicly thank them for all they do for the Farm. Click on their logo at the bottom of this webpage for contact information. If you are interested in dedicating a bench or a table at the Farm contact Blake Caldwell here. (7/14/11)