House Sales!!

If you missed our Supper in the Farm on May 15th, you missed the most happening event on the island in a long time!  The weather was perfect… the breeze was Savannah-balmy and kept all the bugs and gnats away!  Visitors from Atlanta and South Carolina – who were guests of Landings residents – were completely in awe of the Farm… the plots…the diversity of flowers and veggies… the camaraderie… the Farm ART… yep, the Farm art impressed so many people there was a rumor floating through the crowd that we should host an annual competition to see who can best blend sculpture and green plants!  The music by

“Savannah Steve” was – melodious… it inspired at least one couple to end the evening with a dance… the food by Cha Bella absolutely – to die for… the good times were – unsurpassed! We Farmers know how to host a good time!

And those house sales… we’ll let’s just say that our Supper in the Farm may have helped sell a couple houses tonight to visitors thinking about moving to the Landings.  Now THAT is awesome!  (5/15/2011)