for the TLA Journal April 2011
The gates are open — the irrigation system is on — the sun is shining —- and the frosts are behind us!
But the best news is:
Skidaway Farms still has room for you to become a member and start gardening!
After the Opening Celebration on February 12th, Skidaway Farms had a crush of new members join up! But with almost 200 plots onsite, there are still 29 plots available for more new gardeners. Email Membership Coordinator, Janet Waldie ( who will get you signed up!
Close to 190 gardeners are busy tilling, planting and admiring their plots. Traditional gardeners number 110 while the Organic section boasts 25 members. Governance Committee Chair, Blake Caldwell is also exploring the notion of creating more raised beds for those new gardeners who may be interested.
Skidaway Farms is a 2.5 acre view of just how very talented we Skidaway Islanders really are! It is the colorful answer to: “What happens when dedicated gardeners put their personal signature on their own 200 sq. feet of dirt!”
No two plots look alike — some sport pine straw —some black anti-weed fabric— some are furrowed — trellises adorn others — there are birdbaths and flowers and wind chimes and even a mailbox or two! And, of course, there are vegetables — and flowers too.
Talk among the Farmers is that Season 1 will be on a leaning-curve. After all, Skidaway is a coastal island and that means the wind, the soil, the humidity, the critters and the bugs are new to many Farmers who hail from other climates. The Farms’ Education Coordinator, Donna Shea, is busy lining up a slate of experts who will be on hand to help out! (line about zipperere…etc,
Come on down and visit the Farm!
Skidaway Farms is on McWhorter Road going to Modena — bear left at the fork and then turn left onto the gravel drive next to the Skidaway Farms sign. The gates are open every day from “sun up to sun down”.