Board Minutes 11.19.19

Skidaway Farms Board Meeting Minutes: 11/19/19

Present: Susan Burns, Monica Hughes, Ralph Hinz, Michael Kahn, Jane Kollman, Tom Rosen

Absent: Joe Tyson, Karen Burroughs

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Rosen reported on the e-mailed Income statements for the farm for September and October. Also reported that the income from our increased plot fees would yield at least $2000 more in our projected 2020 budget.  Maintenance costs have remained stable through 2019. Tom is studying the current depreciation schedule and will present some recommendations to the board at our next meeting in January regarding the depreciation schedule vis a vis ongoing maintenance expenses.

Maintenance: Ralph reported on the need for hose ball valves that will prevent leakage from our hose bibs.  The price of the hose ball valves cost $3 apiece and Ralph will install on 65 hose bibs.  Jane K made a motion to have the ball joints purchased and installed, seconded by Michael K and passed unanimously.

Gravel vs pine straw discussion with approximate costs for both assessed. The board decided that the farm will continue to install pine straw on an annual basis.

Work party that was scheduled and canceled last weekend due to rain will be rescheduled in the spring when weather is warmer.

New Business: possible visit in January of prospective marketing people.  Review of current flyer.  Discussion of the pros and cons of opening up the farm to those outside of Skidaway Island.  

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 1/7/20 at 1pm