Eden has arrived at the Farm!

Never let it be said that “any soil will do”when growing vegetables!   These pictures of the amazing growth in the raised beds in Section A testify to the power of excellent compost and consistent watering.  The “black gold” compost that was used to fill these new raised beds back in September gave these plants a headstart that plots without such a foundation never get.A good thing to keep in mind when orders for the spring delivery of compost are being solicited!

…it all started with…

…empty but full of promise…Sept. 5th

…that compost even SMELLED magnificent…Sept. 10th

…in the ground and off we grow…Sept. 17th

…the Farmers weren’t the only ones watching…Sept. 29th

…filling up the 4′ x 20′ space…Oct. 5th

…just two months in the ground…Nov. 5th

…a bountiful feast for a Farmer’s eyes…Dec. 11th